Hymns of the Church – Something Old, Something New – 31 December 2019, Anno Domini (In the Year of our Lord)

I must admit I am plagiarizing myself on this hymn devotion; however, I find the subject hymn the most excellent upon which to comment at the beginning of a new year. There is one story that is unchanging, absolute, and immutable – the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ beginning at Genesis 1:1 and concluding at Revelations 22:21. The most ancient of truths will become the New Creation of that New Beginning created of God on the final sound of the Trumpet. The Ancient Landmark of God’s Word, long abandoned by the wider church, will become the new Chart and Compass for that new Creation. There is, in the deepest chambers and sinews of the heart of each person, a longing for the better elements of the ancient times past. If the lyrics are ignored, there is something...