AOC Sunday Report - Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

Happy Twelfth Sunday after Trinity as the seeming endless Green Season marches on! The AOC Sunday Report can be downloaded RIGHT HERE or by clicking on the picture above. There are great sermons today from Bishops Jerry and Roy, as well as Revs Jack and Bryan. They are considerably different, though, with the exception of Roy, they cover the same scripture. I enjoyed each of them, though I found Jack's quite telling. Perhaps that is because I got to hear it from him and read it, rather than just read it. I urge you to take the time to read these exceptional pieces. There are a lot of people who desire your prayer, please start with Jim Flanagan, Shamu, Bob and Bill's family, work out from there. I know there are a lot of people asking for help, please heed their pleas. Please pray for those in our South whose lives have been impacted by the recent hurricane. Please also take time to pray for our various countries as ...