AOC Sunday Report - First Sunday in Advent

Happy First Sunday in Advent! The AOC Sunday Report can be downloaded RIGHT HERE ! There are really great sermons today from Bishops Jerry and Roy, as well as Revs Jack and Bryan. Bishop Jerry also wrote a very interesting and involved comment on the Collect. This Collect is going to be said until Christmas in conjunction with the weekly Collect, so you might want to learn about it. There are a lot of people who need your prayers, this week is no exception, perhaps more than normal. Please take the time to pray. We lost two invaluable matriarchs this week, Loretta and Leah, please pray for their families who of necessity remain behind; Tricia, Whitney, Jenny, Jim, Bob and Shamu all have need of prayer, start with them and move out from there. Please pray also for our various countries under siege in the name of Covid. There is potential for an epic week ahead, without the help of that Third God Guy, the Holy Ghost, you won't even know it ...