AOC Sunday Report - Septuagesima Sunday

Happy Septuagesima Sunday! The AOC Sunday Report can be downloaded RIGHT HERE ! There are truly excellent sermons today from Bishops Jerry and Roy, as well as Revs Jack and Bryan. It is interesting that Jerry and Jack address the scripture from the propers and Roy and Bryan address the scripture from the morning prayer lectionary, with some overlap. I am confident that you will enjoy each of them. They are quite different, perhaps because I heard it in person, I got the most out of Jack's. But, each of them is really excellent. Please read them all. There are always a lot of people craving your prayer. Think how you would feel in their place. Please take a little time and pray in particular for Shamu, Armando, Howard, as well as Rev Jack Andrews, his family and the people of Fiji, then work out from there. Please pray also with Covid harming people and the governments destroying the economy that they be guided into appropria...