AOC Sunday Report - Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity

Happy 14th Sunday after Trinity! 

The AOC Sunday report is available RIGHT HERE!

We have excellent sermons this morning from Bishops Jerry and Roy, as well as Rev Bryan.  You also get a sermon from me as Rev Jack is on travel.  My sermon is available on video RIGHT HERE and brings the Propers together.  The Collect asks God’s help to increase in us hope, faith and charity, and more importantly that we might want to things for ourselves that he wants for us, so as to gain increased hope, faith and charity.  And his Epistle to the people of Galatia, Paul tells us Heaven and Earth are in conflict in our lives. If we want to gain eternal life, we have to give up the influence of this world, and accept guidance and In the Gospel, Luke relates Jesus’ story of the 10 lepers who are healed, and only one turned back to give thanks. This is an important concept, giving thanks, being grateful for what we are given. Also, it is important to know just that when the one turned back, Jesus told him thy faith have made thee whole. He had already been healed of leprosy, but the faith in Jesus made his life whole.

There are always a lot of people who need your prayer, today is no exception.  Please start with Tricia, Whitney, Shamu, Jim, Laurie and work out from there.

There is a really epic week ahead, if you're having difficulty or even think you're having difficulty finding it, you might consider opening your heart further to the Holy Ghost and see if that might just help.

Have an epic week,

Church of the Faithful Centurion
United States of America


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