AOC Sunday Report – First Sunday in Lent

Happy First Sunday in Lent!

The AOC Sunday Report can be downloaded RIGHT HERE!

Before we get started, I'd like to direct your attention to a couple of significant quotes:

On Lent

If a man will but fast from his sins, he may eat what he pleases.

Robert E. Lee

American General and Patriot


On Lent

The best way for most of us is to fast from our sins and to eat what is good for us.

Robert E. Lee

American General and Patriot


We have a great sermon today from Bishops Jerry and Roy, as well as Revs Jack, and Bryan.  Each is different, each is great.  Rev Jack brings the Propers together today.    His sermon can be viewed on video here ->


Today’s Collect recalls Jesus’ fasting in the wilderness and asks that God give us the strength to focus our being to allow us to follow His Will.  Paul writes to the people of Corinth asking them to come togetther to further God’s Plan and not theirs.  In the Gospel Matthew relates the story of Jesus’ temptation by the Devil. There is more to it than you might think.  There is much more to this story than meets the eye.  Great stuff and it all comes together, listen or read to understand how. 

There are always a lot of people who need your prayer, please start with The Flanagan Family, Deanna, Tricia, Shamu and work out from there.

South America

Jennifer, wife of Bishop Jose Rios, the AOC Bishop in Columbia has been very active in children's welfare.  Her monthly report can be downloaded RIGHT HERE.  I beg you to read the report, for our Marines is mostly pictures.  You know we never ask for money, we try to fund everything ourselves.  This is an exception.  If you have any spare funds, you can send them to the Worldwide HQ and they will be sent to Jennifer.  No overhead, just good work.

Anglican Orthodox Church

POB 128

Statesville NC 28687

Anything will help.

There is an amazing week ahead, you may need help to see it clearly, I know I do.  Well, there is that Third God Guy, The Holy Ghost, standing by and ready to assist.

Have an EPIC week.



Church of the Faithful Centurion

Descanso, California

United States of America


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