Traditional Memorial Day (1868-1970), 30 May 2023 Anno Domini

God of our fathers, known of old,

Lord of our far-flung battle-line,

Beneath whose awful Hand we hold

Dominion over palm and pine—

Lord God of Hosts, be with us yet,

Lest we forget—lest we forget!

Recessional by Rudyard Kipling, 1897


            This hymn was written in 1866 to augment the observance of Decoration Day observed by the widows of Confederate soldiers by the laying of wreaths. The only identity we have for the author of the lyrics is G.R.W. The musical score is the work of Mrs. L. Nellie Sweet.


AE Blackman of New Orleans published the song in 1867. It is one of many poetic works in the South following the War Between the States. Another beautiful song of the period, not printed here, is Somebody’s Darling – a song my mother used to sing often. In 1868, the President of the United States declared May 30th a National Memorial Day for all who died in defense of our Nation – North and South, and all other wars.


Kneel Where Our Loves Are Sleeping


Kneel where our loves are sleeping,

Dear ones loved in days gone by,

here we bow in holy reverence,

Our bosoms heave the heart-felt sigh.

They fell like brave men, true as steel,

And pour'd their blood like rain-

We feel we owe them all we have,

And can but kneel and weep again.


Kneel where our loves are sleeping, 

They lost but still were good and true,

Our fathers, brothers fell still fighting, 

We weep, ‘tis all that we can do.


Here we find our noble dead, 

Their spirits soar’d to him above,

Rest they now about his throne, 

For God is mercy, God is love.

Then let us pray that we may live, 

As pure and good as they have been,

That dying we may ask of him, 

To open the gate and let us in.


            These lyrics are more an expression of grief than a hymn of worship. It is symbolic only in its venue of the beloved dead for they are not in the grave, but their spirits have returned to God who gave them. It reminds us of the soldier spirit – if one must go down in battle, do so with one’s lights burning brightly as a true soldier of conscience.


            Though southern monuments as well as those of our National Forefathers are being tarnished and destroyed by Marxists ideological adherents, we will not forget Lee, Jackson, Jefferson, Washington, Adams, and Franklin of both North and South whose lives reflected a higher quality of character than any we have representing us in Washington, DC today. 



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