AOC Sunday Report – Seventh Sunday after Trinity


Happy Seventh Sunday after Trinity!

The AOC Sunday Report can be downloaded RIGHT HERE!

We have excellent sermons this morning from Bishops Jerry and Roy as well as Rev Jack.   Rev Bryan had quadruple bypass surgery on 6 July 2023.  He is home and seems to be doing well.  Please give thanks for the apparently successful surgery and pray for a full and complete recovery. Continue to comfort Brian, his wife Lisa, and son Thomas as they deal with his recovery.  Rev Jack brings the Propers together today.    His sermon is below the propers and can be viewed on video HERE ->

In the Collect, we acknowledge to get anywhere, we must acknowledge in our hearts all good is of and comes from God. That is the trouble with many people in the world today. They simply refuse to acknowledge in their hearts this very simple fact. Once we acknowledge this, we are in a position to ask God to put in toour hearts love of Him and all that is His.  When Paul wrote his Epistle to the people of Rome, he was writing to all of us; for truly nothing is new in the world. There is truth to Solomon’s saying there is nothing new under the sun.  In this morning’s Gospel, the clear message of the feeding of the multitude is action, and the whys and hows behind all of it does not matter as much as the simple message that He did it. It is all too easy to get wrapped around in fine details, when it is the bigger picture that matters.  Having trouble visualizing it all coming together?  Read or listen to Rev Jack’s sermon.

There are always a lot of people who need your prayer, please start with Mr. Kim, Mark George, Viera Djurcik, Tricia, Shamu and work out from there.

Having problems seeing the good in the world today or your way ahead? Open your heart to the Holy Ghost and let Him into your soul and guide you.


Have an Epic Week!



Church of the Faithful Centurion

Descanso, California

United States of America


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